K&A High-Piled Storage Seminar
August 1st, 2011
Klausbruckner & Associates is announcing a “High-Piled Storage” seminar for September 22nd. This seminar provides an overview of the fire hazards associated with high-piled combustible storage and reviews the provisions in Chapter 23 of the 2010 Edition of the California Fire Code (CFC).
The seminar will also briefly touch on design criteria in NFPA 13 for storage, because of the importance of automatic sprinkler systems in the protection of high-piled combustible storage.
Topics will include
- Commodity classification
- High Piled Storage definition
- Methods of storage
- Requirements including discussions on smoke and heat vents, curtain boards and requirement cut-offs
- Methods of protecting rack storage, palletized storage, solid pile storage, and shelf storage of commodities
- Some of the major changes to storage requirements in NFPA 13 2010 Edition will also be discussed
For more event details, please see Section Upcoming Seminars